Obstetrics & Gynecology

The Ozarks Community Health Center offers Obstetric and Gynecological care, including prenatal care, OB care, preventative gynecological care y postpartum care.


417-745-2121 | Fax: 417-745-6141

  18614 Calle Jackson | Ermita, MO 65668

  Lunes 8 a. m. a 6 p. m. | Martes Viernes 8 am5pm


Call for questions or to schedule your appointment.

Otros Servicios

Atención Médica

Ozarks Community Health Center ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios para usted y su familia de todas las edades que incluyen:

  • Diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades
  • Procedimientos Menores
  • Exámenes físicos de rutina
  • Monitorear el crecimiento y el desarrollo
  • Vacunas

Cuidado Dental

The Ozark Community Health Center provides comprehensive dental care to all ages based on individualized treatment plans. We offer:

  • Diagnostic Exams including: comprehensive new patient, periodic, and limited/emergency exams
  • Preventative Treatments including: dental prophylaxis (cleanings), sealants, night guards for prevention of teeth grinding
  • Removable prosthetics including: Complete and Partial dentures
  • Periodontal Treatment including: Scaling and Root Planing
  • Emergency Treatment including: Extracciones

Asesoramiento sobre Salud

En Ozarks Community Health Center, ofrecemos servicios de salud conductual que incluyen asesoramiento y servicios psiquiátricos. Contamos con un psicólogo, un psiquiatra y un trabajador social consejero autorizado.

Our licensed staff can help assist you through the challenges you are facing. With our services, you can get treatment for anxiety disorders, depression, behavioral disorders, personal counseling, and grief counseling. Mental Health services are offered Monday – Friday from 8:00 – 4:30.

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