Many individuals struggle to maintain proper nutrition, increasing their risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, stroke and cancer. Expectant mothers often lack access to quality prenatal care, which impacts the health of their children. Regular dental services are out of reach for many, leaving families facing preventable health challenges later in life. Mental health is a growing need in schools and homes across the country. Those with limited resources frequently fight for life’s essentials — transportation, clean clothes, electricity, or even their next meal. For people living in poverty, a simple trip to the doctor can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Across all of our communities, Ozarks Community Health Center is developing solutions to address these critical needs and committed to making a better life for everyone.
Donating to the Ozarks Community Health Center Foundation will help improve the lives of so many. Donations will support programs, services, scholarships, events that raise awareness and much more.
Our mission to help the community is not possible without the help of everyone, so if you would like to donate, please contact us at 417-745-0103.
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